Common Causes Of Water Hammer In Pipes

Common Causes Of Water Hammer In Pipes

Water hammer, also known as hydraulic shock, is a common issue that can occur in plumbing systems. It is characterized by a loud banging or knocking noise in pipes when a faucet or valve is turned off suddenly. This phenomenon can not only be annoying but also lead to damage to the plumbing system if left unresolved. In this article, we will explore the common causes of water hammer in pipes and discuss potential solutions to mitigate this problem.


What is Water Hammer?

Before delving into the causes of water hammer, let’s first understand what it is. Water hammer occurs when there is a sudden change in the flow of water in a plumbing system. When a faucet or valve is closed rapidly, the momentum of the flowing water creates a surge of pressure that travels through the pipes. This surge results in a loud banging or knocking noise, which is commonly referred to as water hammer.

Causes of Water Hammer

  1. High Water Pressure: One of the most common causes of water hammer is high water pressure. When the water pressure in the plumbing system is too high, the force generated by the sudden stoppage of water flow increases significantly, leading to water hammer. This can often be observed in buildings with faulty pressure regulators or in areas with naturally high water pressure.

  2. Fast-Closing Valves: Another common cause of water hammer is fast-closing valves. When a valve is closed rapidly, it abruptly stops the flow of water, causing a surge of pressure in the pipes. This sudden change in pressure results in the characteristic banging noise associated with water hammer. Fast-closing valves are commonly found in appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers.

  3. Long Pipe Lengths: The length of the pipes in a plumbing system can also contribute to water hammer. Longer pipe lengths provide more space for the momentum of the water to build up, increasing the likelihood of water hammer occurring. This is especially true when there are multiple bends or changes in direction in the pipes, as these can further amplify the pressure surge.

  4. Air Chambers: Air chambers, also known as water hammer arrestors, are devices that are designed to absorb the shock caused by water hammer. They are typically installed near fixtures or appliances that are prone to water hammer, such as washing machines or dishwashers. If these air chambers become filled with water due to a faulty valve or other issues, their ability to absorb the pressure surge is diminished, leading to water hammer.

  5. Waterlogged Pipes: Waterlogged pipes, which occur when air is trapped in the pipes and obstructs the flow of water, can also contribute to water hammer. When the flow of water is suddenly stopped, the trapped air can compress, creating a surge of pressure that manifests as water hammer. This can happen due to improper installation or maintenance of the plumbing system.

Solutions to Water Hammer

Now that we have explored the common causes of water hammer, let’s discuss some potential solutions to mitigate this issue.

  1. Installing Pressure Regulators: If high water pressure is identified as the cause of water hammer, installing a pressure regulator can help alleviate the problem. A pressure regulator is a device that reduces the incoming water pressure to a safe and manageable level. By maintaining a consistent and lower water pressure, the occurrence of water hammer can be significantly reduced.

  2. Replacing Fast-Closing Valves: If fast-closing valves are identified as the culprit, replacing them with slow-closing or anti-water hammer valves can help mitigate the issue. These valves are designed to close gradually, reducing the sudden change in water flow and minimizing the pressure surge that causes water hammer. This simple valve replacement can make a significant difference in reducing the occurrence of water hammer.

  3. Installing Water Hammer Arrestors: Water hammer arrestors, also known as air chambers, can be installed near fixtures or appliances that are prone to water hammer. These devices create a cushion of air that absorbs the shock caused by water hammer, preventing the loud banging noise. Regular maintenance and inspection of these air chambers are essential to ensure they remain functional and free from waterlogging.

  4. Proper Pipe Sizing and Layout: Ensuring that the plumbing system is designed with proper pipe sizing and layout can also help minimize water hammer. By reducing the length of the pipes and minimizing bends and changes in direction, the momentum of the water flow can be controlled, reducing the likelihood of water hammer occurring. Consulting with a professional plumber during the installation or renovation of a plumbing system is advisable to ensure proper pipe sizing and layout.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can water hammer cause damage to the plumbing system?
A: Yes, if left unresolved, water hammer can lead to damage to the plumbing system. The repeated shockwaves caused by water hammer can weaken pipe joints, loosen fittings, and even cause pipes to burst.

Q: Are there any temporary solutions to alleviate water hammer?
A: Yes, temporarily opening a nearby faucet slightly can help alleviate the pressure surge caused by water hammer. This allows the water to escape gradually and reduces the impact of the sudden change in flow.

Q: Can water hammer occur in both residential and commercial plumbing systems?
A: Yes, water hammer can occur in both residential and commercial plumbing systems. The causes and solutions for water hammer apply to both types of plumbing systems.


In conclusion, water hammer is a common issue that can occur in plumbing systems due to various factors. Understanding the common causes of water hammer, such as high water pressure, fast-closing valves, long pipe lengths, air chambers, and waterlogged pipes, is crucial in finding effective solutions. By installing pressure regulators, replacing fast-closing valves, installing water hammer arrestors, and ensuring proper pipe sizing and layout, the occurrence of water hammer can be minimized. Regular maintenance and inspection of the plumbing system are also essential to prevent water hammer and potential damage. Remember, addressing water hammer promptly can save you from the headache of dealing with costly repairs in the future. So, if you’re experiencing water hammer, don’t let it knock you down—take action to fix it!

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